Albino Fawn from folks who live on Bolivar Peninsula , Texas

A very eventful day around here... A once in many lifetimes experience!
Mark saw this lil' feller run out in front of a car, thought it was a lost baby goat.
Stopped to get it, and WOW.
A real Albino Whitetail Deer. Just hours old, but doing fine. No Moma deer around.
Another car nearly hit it in front of Mark.

Well,, he is THE neatest thing any of us ever saw. And such a 'freak of nature',
that only 1 in more than a million are even born. He took his bottle of food,
followed us around the house, doing great. So, we called the Zoo & Fossil Rim,
who were both interested, but going to send him to a Rehab farm, at a vet that
we have never gotten along with.

So, one of Dad's best friends is our Game Warden. Kinda reluctantly, but,
I called him and told him the deal. He came right over, of course.
and assured me that he wouldn't take it to that vet,
that he was going to 'go to higher levels' than that with him.

So, he is gone now. We got a lot of pix, and something we will never see again
probably, so it was very cool. Maybe he will make it in captivity somewhere and
be appreciated.
So rare... Sure wanted to keep him tho. but, not the thing to do.
And not LEGAL either.
But, here are a couple of pix to show ya.
He was snow white, pink eyes, ears, nose and hooves. Kids called him POWDER.
He was SO small.
That is my shoe lying beside him. cool is that??

Quite coincidently these pictures (the albino fawn)were sent to me some time ago by
another Texas resident, {Dallas}. Neale (Mack) McGee aka Nashoba Baleli.
One i was proud to proclaim i adopted as my cyber father. He was known to the
Wolfpack as Running Wolf


The picture of the Albino Peacock sent to me by HollySkyWolf


These 3 pictures of the white moose also sent by Nashoba Baleli


Water picture of Kermode bear by CareWolf.

Pictures of the Kermode (Spirit Bear) of Canada by ghattenwolf &
BartendersBluesWolf from the .www.


Pictures of the snowy owl by BartenderBluesWolf from search to always remember
her aunt snowy owl from the garden


Reflections of light glowing off white fur
Mischief making cubs chasing the wind, dancing on the waters
Bringing back memories of all that is pure and free
Before man's foot prints marked the earth as their's
Before the Raven came down and made the earth green
Gliding on the winds of freedom the Raven flew to add warmth of green
As a memory of mighty glaciers that once added whitness, he touched
The heart of many bears and turned them white to remember the beginning

Now am I safe from the world, raised voices speak out for my home
Please let your's join in and save my home
We are the spirits of the forests and few have seen us
Our world used to streach far and wide now only this small island
We were here at the begining let us be here for the future
The forests are our home, the tree is our brother
Each one has a history connected to this earth
We are the memories of innocence past, gone but still lingers

We are the spirits of the forests your history is intertwined with our's
Our homes are your forests of the furture, let your children know their beauty
Raise your voices for their survival, call out for what is right
See my eyes pleading in your heart, save my world

BartendersBluesWolf speaking for my brother the Spirit Bear
February 14, 2006

Picture of Kakenobles baby ferret Shea. Albino

shhhhhhhhhhh Papa Lobo working.

BartendersBluesWolf taking CareWolf for a ride in her pretty new car.

If you,the artist,deserve credit for anything
used in creating these pages for hurting hearts,
please let us know immediately
and we will promptly take care of it.